Fracture Service 24/7 Accident & Fracture Service

044 - 2650 2100 / 2101 / 2102

No 39, 40, 41, 200 ft Road, Ambedkar Nagar Bus stop, Kolathur, Chennai - 600 099

    This 28 years young lady was involved in a Road Traffic Accident and had a shattered Distal Humerus with primary Radial Nerve Paralysis. She underwent surgery in our Hospital.

    The problems to be tackled were,

  • 1. To give a stable Elbow joint by Open Reduction Internal Fixation.
  • 2. To manage the Radial nerve paralysis.
  • 3. To give a good ROM ( Range of Movement )
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    This 71 years old female patient came with h/o fall. She is a Diabetic & Hypertensive.

    The problems to be tackled in management are.

  • 1. Severe Osteoporotic bone were the screw purchase may not be good.
  • 2. Severely comminuted fracture head, where the reduction could be technically difficult.
  • 3. 71 years of age.
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    This male patient aged 73yrs had underwent Total Hip Replacement and sustained a Periprosthetic fracture Rt Femur and was treated in our hospital.

    The problems to be tackled were,

  • 1. To give a stable fixation with the stem inside.
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    This 36yrs old female patient came with H/O Road traffic accident with a Comminuted Fracture of Proximal Tibia Rt Leg with very bad soft tissue injury with blebs. There was no neurovascular deficit.

    The problems to be tackled in management are.

  • 1. Achieving a Stable fixation of the severely comminuted fracture.
  • 2. Management of the soft tissue injury and the unhealthy skin with the blebs..
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